Why Our Norm is Not Long Term Contracts

At Sweetman Sanitation, we believe in working our business a bit different than the norm. Our service should prove to you that we are good enough to do business with for the long term. So with that, none of our customers are required to sign a contract to start doing business with us.

Why Our Norm Is Not a Long Term Contract

At Sweetman Sanitation, we believe partnerships are created by providing great service at a fair price and being as involved in the community as we can. We feel that if we do these things we will build partnerships. Contracts when enforced generally cause a void in that relationship. 

We don’t force anyone to do business with us, it is their choice and hopefully we are able to earn that. There’s no sense in locking either party into a contract if the customer is not happy with the service. We make our promise to the customer when they sign up and work with them as we go. That is what we count on to maintain that relationship.

Customer First, Long Term Contracts

We understand that you may need to break the rules… depending on the circumstances. Larger companies create contracts to make it harder to leave because they feel that it’s easier than earning their choice to stay. When you don’t have the personal side of business this method of contracts is needed. We are open and willing to sign contracts for our commitments to the customers when needed by request of those customers anytime but we do not request them from them.

Straightforward Billing

We try not to make things more difficult than they need to be. Our billing is very straightforward and you’ll know what you’re being charged for.

We have online payment options including setting up recurring payments, so you don’t even have to think about it. Our services are invoiced monthly. If you have a billing question, we are real people that answer the phone. You do not have to go through a billing department to get your question answered or to talk to one of us.

Billing for Places of Worship

We appreciate what our local priests, pastors and prayer leaders do to bring our communities together. Many of the great events and opportunities for our youth are because of the hard work of the leaders within these organizations. This makes us feel the need to give back to them in whatever way we can. So… if you are a church we are happy to provide service free of charge for our local places of worship.

Request a Quote

We’d love to get you a quote for service. Reach out to us for your trash and recycling needs within the Redwood, Renville and eastern Yellow Medicine counities!

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